From the top frames we will see the high groove have a bigger line of cars headding to the turn. 11 cars back to Tony. Max and I think it is Reed Sorenson back off from Clint. Just before this Tony is behind Reed not touching him and ahead of Ryan with the same gap. In this frame of 4 together you can see the gap and also see Robby bump drafting Ambrose up to Ryan, it is where you see 3 wide racing.

The next one you will see Max start to lift off of Clint and at the same time Tony is about to get ramed ,, not pushed,, but ramed as well as Ryan got from behind. I pointed the gap out on Max & Clint, and you can see now that behind them they are glued together.

Next you see it alittle better and this is when Tony heads tords wall and Ryan heads to the infield. Ambrose got such a push from Robby that Ambrose's hood buckles up when he hits Ryan. Now that was what the rought driving rule was put in place at Talladega , No fault of Ambrose and Robby cause they where in the section too bump draft and being up againts the wall they had know options but go forward.

The new rule made it that the first few cars in a line would start to lift when the rest would still be bump drafting on the stright away. I will had what HANAHAN said as well that Carl Edwards crash was not caused by bump drafting in the tunrs but BLOCKING was.
Last years big crash was because of bump drafting in the turns because again Carl Edwards sat in the back the hole race and had not pratice the hole race bump drafting with someone in the turns and comes up and bump drafts Greg Biffle but was not line up even with his bumper causing him to spin and the big one.
(( Media Commercial )) Part one

Part 2

Now on to this past week at Texas,, We all know what happen on the 3rd lap because ESPN would not let you forget, That had to be the most replayed crash in a race. I loved Jerry saying coming back from commercial,, In case your just tunning in, the big story is the 48 team. Yes ESPN & NASCAR more and more fans are tunning in near the end of the races when it counts like your champion that represents did last race.

Now on to pit frames and Jimmie's window net is down from the very start, but Chad has a plan to make sure his driver is left alone.

Who do we see in the back ground from the start licking his chops to be the first to talk to Jimmie?

Now some extras we see a few things.

Some more,,

What ESPN didn't tell you like they kept saying how the 24 & 88 team helped the 48 team in the garage.

Lets get back to the racing, I mean we had other drivers racing and leading the race as well.

Not sure enought yet?

Ok I showed why or why not they didn't talk to Jimmie in the car, sorry Hanahan I could not find any of him not in his car to back you. I can show why we didn't see a late caution flag for fake debri, cause they had one much sooner and the one time ESPN was not suppost to show it they did.
I can not see this being a car part but maybe someones lunch,,

Now on close up you can see when he picks it up and closes his hand it makes a up side down V as if it is soft, Maybe Jeff Gordon has a secreat flap to drop his tunafish,chicken sandwhich or rap when he needs a caution? You decide what it is but it is in plastic rap as well. I know what Gene will say it was on of them darn Jr nation throwing stuff over cause they didn't lke watching Kyle lead for so many laps.

Thats it for me,, hope you all had a great and safe weekend,, OH YEAH,, Kristen you have to go horse ridding again this Sunday and CR you can not watch so go golfing one more time,, just think its for the better of NASCAR that you do this. We will all owe you big time. lol
Now for all Jimmie Johnson fans,? Do we have any in the group? If so I will say sorry for picking on him but I pick on all and show no biased to any of them, even Mr Dale (( I should have gone to Specsavers )) Earnhardt Jr.